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Make smarter procurement decisions.

Procurement teams are under unprecedented pressure. You need to deliver more, with less at your disposal.

Tussell's market intelligence platform provides the data-led insights you need to make better procurement decisions, drive value-for-money, and promote social value.

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Essex County Council

"This is like a crystal ball, having all this information in one place."

Assistant Procurement Manager Essex County Council

Lincolnshire County Council (1)

"You've just done in 10 seconds what we would've spent half a day researching”

Head of Commercial Infrastructure Lincolnshire County Council

NHS Property Services

"Tussell has been instrumental in helping NHSPS to better understand the competitive landscape, procurement trends and future opportunities within the public sector."

Analyst NHS Property Services


"Tussell continues to give me all the info I need - it's great."

Improvement Strategy Advisor Local Government Association


"As a team, we are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to working with you this year."

Procurement Team Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Local, Central & NHS procurement teams put their trust in Tussell

CCS and Cyber Essentials 2 (2)

Award directly & with confidence

Tussell is on G-Cloud 14 and is Cyber Essentials certified.

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The all-in-one market intelligence platform for procurement teams

Tussell consolidates, cleans and enhances trillions of pounds worth of spend, contract and framework data into a single platform.

Get unparalleled insight into the entire public procurement ecosystem, see what other authorities are procuring and the suppliers they're using, so you and your team can buy better.

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How can Tussell benefit your procurement team?

Save money and deliver value

With full visibility of the market, you can join forces with other contracting authorities to get better deals via joint procurement, or avoid running unnecessary processes altogether by finding and utilising existing contracts or frameworks.

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Promote social value in your supply chain

Find SMEs, non-profits and local suppliers working in your region or category, to create more diversity across your supplier base and drive innovation.

See how it works

See live frameworks you can use - in seconds.

Find compliant routes-to-market in just a couple clicks with Tussell Frameworks Finder®. See which live frameworks you can use, across all categories and all major framework providers.

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Frameworks Finder Graphic w Logo Hansard v1

Tussell is the government's trusted source

Hansard Home - DCMS

DCMS turns to Tussell

We've been commissioned twice by the DCMS to analyse public procurement with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises.

Hansard Home - Parliament

Tussell data used in Parliament

Tussell data has been cited several times by Members of Parliament and Peers when debating public procurement.

Hansard Home - HoC Library

House of Commons Library cites Tussell

Tussell was cited as a source of transparent procurement data in the HoC Library's 'Procurement Statistics: a short guide'.

Understand your category inside-out

Harness invoice and contract award data to map out your category, and discover the suppliers other contracting authorities are working with.

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Benchmark your team's performance

See how you stack up against other contracting authorities or areas of government on important issues like transparency, supply chain diversity and category spending.

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Negotiate from a position of strength

Come prepared for negotiations with suppliers by understanding the market like they do. Analyse their offers and scrutinise their experience with complete visibility of their public sector contracts and relationships - past and present.

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The media's go-to experts on public spending

Tussell's data has been cited over 1,500 times since 2018.

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Get a guided tour around the platform, and see how Tussell can help your team make smarter procurement decisions.

Tussell: make smarter procurement decisions

Tussell's all-in-one market intelligence platform is helping Local, Central and NHS procurement teams to:

  • Save money and deliver value.
  • Understand their categories inside-out.
  • Anticipate risk, and identify exposure.
  • Promote SMEs and social value.
  • Benchmark their team's performance against other authorities.
  • Negotiate with suppliers from a position of strength.
  • Dig into the hot topics of the day.