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Year in Review

2021 Edition

We reflect on the state of public procurement, to see what has - and hasn't - changed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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This latest installment of our annual Year in Review reports analyses how public procurement faired during a year when COVID-19 was meant to be put behind us. We analyse:

  • How did procurement in 2021 compare to 2020?
  • Which public bodies saw the largest jumps in spend?
  • Who are the top public suppliers by sector?
  • Where do upcoming opportunities lie in 2022?
  • How has the use of frameworks changed?
  • ... and much more.

2021: the headline stats

The report harnesses data from our market intelligence platform to generate must-know insights for the past year.


66,000 contracts

awarded by public sector bodies



in total contract award value


26,000 suppliers

won business from the public sector


2,500 new frameworks

created by public sector bodies

Contracting authorities put their trust in Tussell


Essex County Council

"This is like a crystal ball, having all this information in one place."

Assistant Procurement Manager Essex County Council

Lincolnshire County Council (1)

"You've just done in 10 seconds what we would've spent half a day researching”

Head of Commercial Infrastructure Lincolnshire County Council

NHS Property Services

"Tussell has been instrumental in helping NHSPS to better understand the competitive landscape, procurement trends and future opportunities within the public sector."

Analyst NHS Property Services


"Tussell continues to give me all the info I need - it's great."

Improvement Strategy Advisor Local Government Association


"As a team, we are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to working with you this year."

Procurement Team Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Get the full picture of procurement in 2021

Download our latest Year in Review to learn the lessons of the year gone by.

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