See live frameworks & DPSs in your category.
Frameworks Finder® is a verified directory of live frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems across the UK public sector.
Think of it like your framework shopping catalogue - saving you hours of time searching on your own.
Find the right framework for your procurement in seconds.
How Frameworks Finder® works, in 3 steps:
There's a reason why top procurement teams are using Tussell.
Our framework intelligence is market-leading.


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Tussell: the market's trusted source of insight into UK public procurement.
The Tussell platform aggregates trillions of pounds worth of contract, invoice and framework data into one place, enabling you to:
- Find the right frameworks for your procurements
- Identify top SMEs & VCSEs to work with
- Benchmark your spending
- Negotiate better deals with suppliers
- Align your procurements with your social value goals
- Find opportunities for joint procurement