New Notices Flowchart
Procurement Act (2023)
Fill in the form below to access Tussell and Mills & Reeve's freshly updated Procurement Act New Notices Flowchart.

Are you up-to-speed on all the new notice types?
The 2023 Procurement Act introduces over a dozen new notice types that contracting authorities must - or can - publish.
They exist across the pre-tender, tendering, contract management and renewal stages of the procurement process.
We've partnered with leading procurement law experts, Mills & Reeve, to map out all the new notice types, what they are, and when they need to be published.
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"This is like a crystal ball, having all this information in one place."
Assistant Procurement Manager Essex County Council
"You've just done in 10 seconds what we would've spent half a day researching”
Head of Commercial Infrastructure Lincolnshire County Council

"Tussell has been instrumental in helping NHSPS to better understand the competitive landscape, procurement trends and future opportunities within the public sector."
Analyst NHS Property Services

"Tussell continues to give me all the info I need - it's great."
Improvement Strategy Advisor Local Government Association

"As a team, we are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to working with you this year."
Procurement Team Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Get up-to-speed on the new notice types
Download Tussell and Mills & Reeve's flowchart to see where all 15 new notice types fit into the procurement process.