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Your public sector framework directory

Cut out days of work with our comprehensive database of live & historic public sector frameworks. Find compliant ways to buy products and services in seconds.

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Every public sector framework in one place








call-off contracts matched to their original framework

Finding frameworks is far too time-consuming

You need to identify frameworks to procure goods & services that you and your stakeholders need.

But finding these frameworks is an intensely manual, time-consuming process.

Hours of your team's time is spent trawling through search engines, or relying on word-of-mouth from colleagues and suppliers.

Not only this, you risk missing the most relevant and useful frameworks that cater to your team's specific needs.

Asset 2 (1)

Tussell's framework intelligence is one-of-a-kind

At Tussell we've matched tens of thousands of call-off contracts to the framework agreements they were awarded under, meaning Tussell is the only market intelligence platform to offer insights into true value and usage of frameworks.

See how it works


Introducing: Frameworks Finder (2)

See all live frameworks you can use in seconds with Tussell Frameworks Finder® - the fastest way to find compliant routes-to-market across every category.

See it in action
Frameworks finder magnifying glass Hansard v2

Tussell's framework intelligence enables you to:

Find every relevant framework in seconds

Access a comprehensive list of all public sector frameworks - including the suppliers listed on them - in just a few clicks.

See how it works
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Use the most reliable routes-to-market

Tussell is the only platform that matches call-off contracts to frameworks. With this unique insight, you can find the frameworks used most frequently in your category or by different areas of government.

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Asset 1 (1)

See live frameworks you can use - in seconds.

Finding compliant frameworks shouldn't be a hassle. Use Frameworks Finder® to see live frameworks you can use today across all key categories and providers. 

Tussell Frameworks finder magnifying glass

Reduce risk & increase compliant procurement

By quickly identifying which suppliers are on which frameworks, you can easily guide stakeholders towards legal, compliant procurement routes - even when they've got a specific supplier in mind.

See it in action
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Join the dots and get a complete picture of the market

With Tussell you can easily see the link between all published frameworks, the contracts awarded under them and the spend associated with those buyer-supplier relationships. A truly unique perspective, all in one platform.

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Enrich your internal framework intelligence

Stream Tussell's market-leading framework data into your authority's e-procurement and reporting systems via our API. With the data in your hands, the possibilities are endless.

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Salesforce + API - Timeline v2

Central, Local and NHS procurement teams trust Tussell

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Get a guided tour around the platform, and see how Tussell can save your team hours of time finding the right frameworks.

Tussell: make your procurement go further

Tussell's all-in-one market intelligence platform is helping Local, NHS & Central Government procurement teams to:

  • Save money and deliver value.
  • Understand their categories inside-out.
  • Anticipate risk, and identify exposure.
  • Promote SMEs and social value.
  • Benchmark their team's performance against other authorities.
  • Negotiate with suppliers from a position of strength.
  • Dig into the hot topics of the day.