Procurement teams are being told to do more with less
The Procurement Act represents the biggest change to procurement law in over a decade.
The Act introduces new ways for contracting authorities to innovate, drive social value, and streamline their procurement.
But with more paperwork per contract and a backdrop of tight budgets, innovation often takes a back seat.
Your team needs a solution that'll give you a headstart, and help you to make the most of the new regime.
Central, Local and NHS procurement teams trust Tussell


"This is like a crystal ball, having all this information in one place."
Assistant Procurement Manager Essex County Council
"You've just done in 10 seconds what we would've spent half a day researching”
Head of Commercial Infrastructure Lincolnshire County Council

"Tussell has been instrumental in helping NHSPS to better understand the competitive landscape, procurement trends and future opportunities within the public sector."
Analyst NHS Property Services

"Tussell continues to give me all the info I need - it's great."
Improvement Strategy Advisor Local Government Association

"As a team, we are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to working with you this year."
Procurement Team Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
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Navigate the Procurement Act with Tussell
Tussell's all-in-one market intelligence platform is helping Local, NHS & Central Government procurement teams to:
- Save money and deliver value.
- Uncover the best live frameworks and dynamic markets.
- Promote SMEs, VCSEs and social value.
- Benchmark spending, and protect against price-gouging.