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£3B of Transport tender opportunities published last week

£3B of Transport tender opportunities published last week

Posted by Admin on 20 June 2018
Key Market Stats

670 new opportunities worth £9.7B were published last week, covering both tenders and pre information notices (PINs). Transport was the biggest sector this week accounting for £3.2B of value across PINS and tenders.
Expiring Awards

At least £1.6B of awards are due to expire in the next six months - allowing you to proactively engage with buyers ahead of future tender opportunities. 

If you're a Tussell Insight subscriber, click through to see the full data on PINs/Tenders and Expiring Awards.

Top 5 Opportunities
Contracting Authority Contract Title Type Bid Deadline FW Tender Value
Department for International Development DFID International Multi-Disciplinary Programme (IMDP) Framework Agreement PIN   Y £3.0B
Crown Commercial Service Vehicle Purchase Tender 16/07/2018 Y


Crescent Purchasing Ltd CA4981 - Outsourced Catering Services Tender 16/07/2018 Y £400M
Transport for London Track Programme Delivery Partner Tender 19/06/2018 N £250M
London Borough of Haringey Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Construction, Estates and Property Professional Services. PIN   Y £200M

*FW refers to Framework

Buyer Intelligence

Use Tussell to find opportunities with your top buyers.  Last week, 405 different public sector buyers published opportunities. SE Shared Services was the most active buyer, publishing 13 tenders

Buyer Typevolume of contract opportunities


Supplier Intelligence

Did you know that you can look up specific competitors in our database? Here's what 5 of the top suppliers to government have been up to this week.
Top 5 Publicly Traded Suppliers
SME Market Share

SME Contract VolumeThere is significant potential for SMEs to benefit from public procurement. Last week, 703 contracts were won by SMEs of which 82% were outside of London. See all of the current open opportunities marked as suitable for SMEs.