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£670m of expiring government contracts up for grabs in “SME goldmine”

£670m of expiring government contracts up for grabs in “SME goldmine”

Posted by Admin on 21 June 2018

Extracts from an article by Andy Walker, editor for Infrastructure Intelligence.

“At least £109m of government awards in estates and infrastructure are due to expire this year, with this figure rising to £565m for awards in the digital and technology sector, according to new research from Tussell, a comprehensive online database of public tenders and government contracts in the UK.

Meanwhile, the number of SMEs winning government contracts each month increased by 11% between 2016 and 2017, according to the team who are also a supporter of this year’s Public Sector Show.” […]

“Over 150 exhibitors, including Cisco, Airbus, KPMG and BAE Systems, will be showcasing a range of products and services that can help the public sector save money and improve performance. Research from Tussell reveals that large companies in the outsourcing, IT and construction sectors attending the Public Sector Show have won 1,774 government contracts since 2015.”

Read the full article on the Infrastructure Intelligence website.