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Britain's top government contract suppliers flout anti-slavery law

Britain's top government contract suppliers flout anti-slavery law

Posted by Admin on 22 March 2018

Extracts from an article by Kieran Guilbert, news editor for Thomson Reuters.

“Britain is failing to live up to its promise to lead the world in ending modern slavery as nearly half of the government’s biggest suppliers are flouting a landmark anti-slavery law, analysts said on Thursday.

Only 58 percent of the government’s 100 top suppliers last year met a British legal requirement to outline their actions to combat forced labor within their supply chains, said a study by business consultancies Sancroft and Tussell who provide data on government contracts in the UK.

“Amidst growing scrutiny of public procurement, the public needs to be confident that the largest suppliers to government adhere to the highest standards of compliance with legislation on modern slavery,” said Gus Tugendhat, founder of Tussell.”

Read the full article on the Thomson Reuters website.