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Exclusive: the government wants to use 5G to accelerate the rollout of self-driving cars

Exclusive: the government wants to use 5G to accelerate the rollout of self-driving cars

Posted by Admin on 30 July 2018

Extracts from an article by Oscar Williams, news editor for New Statesman Tech.

“The government is exploring how ultrafast 5G connectivity could accelerate the adoption of self-driving cars, NS Tech can reveal.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has awarded a £377,000 contract to SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins business to study the feasibility of rolling out the technology across Britain’s road network.

The project will build on the government’s autonomous vehicle trials in the West Midlands, part of a £5m commitment to testing 5G on Britain’s roads.” […]

“The contract, published earlier this month and spotted by the government contracts database provider Tussell, started in June and is expected to run for six months. It could be followed by a trial aimed at solving some of the challenges associated with 5G.”

Read the full article on the New Statesman Tech website.