Tussell’s new ranking has revealed the leading suppliers of recruitment services to the wider public sector in 2017.
Comensura topped the list, picking up five new recruitment awards worth £100M last year. This included a high profile £59M call-off award to provide temporary workers for HS2.
Interestingly, a number of less well-known names were in the top 10 – yet another sign of government successfully opening up its supply chain to more businesses.
Recruitment - Top 10 Suppliers 2017
![Recruitment - Top 10 Suppliers 2017]()
Opportunities for recruitment firms to benefit from public procurement are growing at a time when Whitehall is implementing large-scale projects. In 2017, the public sector saw a 28% increase in the volume of recruitment-related contracts from 1,008 to 1,294.
Recruitment - Awards & Frameworks by Year
![Recruitment - Awards and frameworks by year]()
The top ten recruitment suppliers to government in 2017 won a total of 149 recruitment awards worth £203M – this accounted for a full 76% of the total value of awards issued in the recruitment sector.
The firms were listed on a further 36 frameworks (essentially preferred suppliers lists[1]) with an estimated value to them of £169M.
Recruitment - Total Award & Framework Value 2017
![Recruitment - Total award & framework value 2017]()
There has never been a better time for recruitment firms seeking to do business with the public sector. Tussell can help you discover trends and opportunities in public procurement in order to make the most of this.
Get in touch to request a demo of Tussell Insight, our online data service.
[1] A framework is an agreement between a contracting authority and supplier(s) establishing the terms of future procurement “call-offs”. The value listed for frameworks is an estimated maximum that could be issued over the lifetime of the agreement and is therefore not guaranteed. Tussell divides the total contract value by the number of suppliers listed on the framework in order to estimate the potential value of the framework to each supplier.