NHS technology market grows 38% between 2017 and 2019

NHS technology market grows 38% between 2017 and 2019

Posted by Lloyd Johnson on 01 September 2020

During a recent special event with techUK, Tussell Founder, Gus Tugendhat, explored how NHS technology is advancing- with spending up by 38% in IT and Telecoms over the last two calendar years.

With the recent rise of COVID cases- and the introduction of vaccines- we are bound to see a higher rise in this number, over the next few years.

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Following the 'first wave' of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare market has never been more crucial, and as a result, there has been an understandable focus on NHS spending.


Front and centre of that focus is NHS technology, an area that has accelerated at a pace that far exceeds growth in overall healthcare spending.

Our latest report, which formed part of the presentation and panel discussion with techUK members (including NHS Digital), looks at:

  • which tech companies are earning the most from the NHS
  • which areas of the NHS are spending the most
  • what tech solutions are most in-demand.

We also explore the role of SMEs and the impact of coronavirus on tender levels.

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