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NHS to hire hackers for £20 million cyberdefence plan

NHS to hire hackers for £20 million cyberdefence plan

Posted by Admin on 27 November 2017

Extracts from an article by Chris Smyth, Health Editor at The Times

“The NHS is to spend £20 million on a central cybersecurity unit that will use “ethical hackers” to probe for weakness in health service defences.

Health chiefs say they will monitor the internet for emerging threats with a beefed-up data security team to help hospitals in danger of being hacked, rather than wait for services to be hit.” […]

“NHS Digital, the health service computing agency, is tendering a £20 million contract for IT consultants to create a ‘security operations centre’. The deal is part of a big increase in public sector spending on digital defences, with £191 million tendered this year, compared with £6 million last year, according to Tussell, a government contracts analyst. The latest tender is the largest NHS cybersecurity contract and makes the health service the third biggest public sector buyer of such protection in recent years.”

Read the full article on The Times’ website.