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Plans for new body to fight for British business on trade steps up

Plans for new body to fight for British business on trade steps up

Posted by Admin on 02 July 2018

Extracts from an article by Alex Lawson, business news editor at The Evening Standard.

“The Department for International Trade has begun spending on the soon-to-be-formed Trade Remedies Authority and the independent body is closing in on a chief executive.

The authority will be one of several new post-Brexit agencies and will investigate unfair trade practices and recommend actions such as imposing tariffs in response. The UK imported £478 billion of goods last year, and its rulings could cover any of this.

Two tenders have been issued for work for the body, according to Tussell, a data provider on UK public procurement. One, from recruiter TMP is a £553,000 contract for recruitment services, the other a £40,000-45,000 contract for legal services issued by King and Spalding.”[…]

“Gus Tugendhat, founder of Tussell, said: “Despite uncertainty about the Brexit settlement, these tenders are another sign that it is already reshaping Whitehall. This is an important step in the Brexit process, given that the Trade Remedies Authority could play a crucial role in Britain’s future trade relationships.”

Read the full article on The Evening Standard website.