Growing scrutiny of government outsourcing has prompted calls for data to better understand the market for public procurement. Tussell's unique database of UK government contracts opens up the sector to unprecedented analysis.
Our latest report looks at trends in contracts awarded to the 27 companies officially designated as 'Strategic Suppliers' in Q1 2018.
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In Q1, the 27 Strategic Suppliers won...
- 330 contracts
- £930M of contract awards
Amey the top Strategic Supplier in Q1 2018
Amey was the top Strategic Supplier during the first three months of 2018, winning £238M in a single award from the Scottish Prison Service. However, Capita won the largest volume of contracts (66) over the period.
Central Govt behind just half of contracts
Central Government is not the only public sector agent buying from Strategic Suppliers. Our analysis shows that nearly half of all contracts awarded to Strategic Suppliers come from other parts of the public sector.