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Tussell Index of public tenders falls for first time in 2018

Tussell Index of public tenders falls for first time in 2018

Posted by Admin on 08 May 2018

In April the Tussell Index saw a decline in the volume of public tenders for the first time this year, although it was still up 6% on April 2017.

Tender Volume and Value
Tender Volume and Value April 2018

Based on tender volume, Construction dominated public procurement in April, accounting for a quarter of total volume.

Tender Volume By Sector

The Cabinet Office/Crown Commercial Service published two particularly high profile tenders in April. The largest was a £2.3B tender for "Management Consultancy", following from the non-award of Lot 1 of the CCS Management Consultancy Framework last year.

CCS also published a £600M tender for "G-Cloud 10", the latest version of their framework for cloud-based services across the wider public sector.

Top 5 Tenders 
Contracting Authority  Contract Title Bid Deadline Date Framework Total Contract Value - High (GBP)
Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation YPO - 000833 Apprenticeships and Associated Training 29/05/2018


Cabinet Office/CCS Management Consultancy Framework 2 (MCF2) 18/05/2018 Y


Hampshire County Council AS10870 Hampshire Accommodation Development and Support Options Model Open Framework (HADSOM) 02/04/2022 Y £1.1B
Cabinet Office/CCS Supply Teachers and Temporary Staff in Educational Establishments 30/05/2018 Y £1.0B
Kent County Council Flexible Procurement and Supply of Half Hourly (HH), Non-Half Hourly (NHH), Metered and Unmetered Electricity with Meter Operations and Additional Services - Y18003 08/06/2018 Y £0.9B

At least £1.3B of awards are due to expire in the next 5 months, allowing suppliers to pre-engage with buyers ahead of future tender opportunities. To see a breakdown by sector and buyer, download the report below.

Expiring Awards - May to September 2018