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Tussell Reveals Extent Of EU Funding In ESFA Contracts

Tussell Reveals Extent Of EU Funding In ESFA Contracts

Posted by Admin on 28 February 2018

Extracts from an article by Gus Tugendhat, founder of Tussell Limited for FE News.

"The Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is particularly dependent on the EU, with 76% of the ESFA’s total award value since 2015 at least partly backed by EU programmes.

£433M worth of EU-backed awards are due to expire before Britain departs from the EU in March 2019. It is not clear what will happen to these projects when the current awards expire

Since January 2015, £1.6B of awards (excluding frameworks) have been issued with funding from EU programmes. £1.3B of this was awarded after the Brexit referendum, mostly in Q4 2016.

A new analysis of EU-funded public sector awards by Tussell – a data provider of government procurement information – has revealed the extent of EU funding in UK public sector contracts since the Brexit referendum in July 2016."

Read the full article on the FE News website.