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Tussell Round-up: £6.5B of opportunities this week

Tussell Round-up: £6.5B of opportunities this week

Posted by Admin on 13 June 2018

Welcome to our weekly update on opportunities in public procurement.

This week we published an analysis of fire safety contracts in the year following the Grenfell Tower tragedy. 221 fire safety tenders have been published since the fire – a 56% increase on the previous 12 months. 

Key Market Stats

658 new opportunities worth £6.5B were published last week, covering both tenders and pre information notices (PINs).  

At least £805M of awards are due to expire in the next three months - allowing you to proactively engage with buyers ahead of future tender opportunities. Overview

Overview LegendIf you're a Tussell Insight subscriber, click through to see the full data on AwardsPINs/Tenders and Expiring Awards.

Top 5 Opportunities
Contracting Authority Contract Title Type Bid Deadline FW Tender Value
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Be First Development Framework Agreement Tender 09/07/2018 Y £1.0B
Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive NEX17/14 MetroFutures Fleet Replacement Programme Tender 09/07/2018 N


Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council Property, Civil, and Structural Engineering Professional Services Framework Agreement Tender 22/06/2018 Y £500M
Glasgow City Council 2019 Social Work Framework for Selected Purchased Social Care Supports Tender 13/07/2018 Y £426M
Foreign & Commonwealth Office One HMG Healthcare Contract PIN   N £350M

*FW refers to Framework

Buyer Type

381 different public sector buyers published opportunities last week. The Ministry of Defence was the most active buyer, publishing 16 contract opportunities.Buyer Type
 volume of contract opportunities

Top 5 Publicly Traded Suppliers

Biffa was last week's largest publicly traded supplier, driven by a £30.1M award issued by Melton Borough Council for "Waste and Recyclables Collection and Street Cleaning".

Top 5 Publicly Traded Suppliers


SME Contract Volume                                                               contracts were won by SMEs last week

There is significant potential for SMEs to benefit from public procurement. Last week, they won 52% of the 1,624 awards and frameworks published. See all of the current open opportunities marked as suitable for SMEs.