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What is bid-rigging - and how to avoid it

What is bid-rigging - and how to avoid it

Posted by James Piggott Picture of James Piggott on 22 February 2024

Suppliers are awarded billions of pounds worth of public sector contracts each year.

The overwhelming majority of these are awarded under fair, open and competitive contexts.

Some, however, are not. Each year, some suppliers engage in illegal anti-competitive practices to give themselves and others an unfair advantage during the bidding process. These practices disadvantage other suppliers, and can cost public bodies millions of pounds of taxpayer money.

These practices are collectively known as bid-rigging.

In the latest episode of the Public Sector Sales Podcast, we sat down with Richard Brown, Assistant Director of Cartels Enforcement at the Competitions & Markets Authority, to learn about what bid-rigging looks like, the consequences of being caught engaging in it, and how you and your organisation and both avoid and report it.


Click here to listen to the full episode.



Want a quick-fire summary of the dangers of bid-rigging?

📝   Read our blog on this very topic.

💡   To learn more about the CMA and the work they're doing to combat anti-competitive procurement practices, take a look at their Cheating or Competing campaign.

🎙️  We have lots more episodes of the Podcast available to listen to here.

In each episode we team up with an industry expert to help you better understand the public sector marketplace, and start winning more business with government.

To see how Tussell can provide you with the data you need to start writing more compelling, insight-led bids, book in a chat with our team.

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