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Secretive drone company wins contract to police prisons

Secretive drone company wins contract to police prisons

Posted by Admin on 05 March 2018

Extracts from an article by Margi Murphy, technology reporter for The Telegraph.

“A British company has been enlisted by the government to help stop drones being used to smuggle phones, drugs and weapons into prisons.

The Ministry of Justice has handed Salisbury-based company, Skydroid Ltd, £237,000 to test out ways to stop unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) flying above prison grounds and near cell windows in a bid to crackdown on the country's widespread prison drone problem.” […]

“Skydroid has previously provided drone services for Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, the Surrey Constabulary, and the Crown Commercial Service, according to contract analyst Tussell.  The Telegraph attempted to contact Skydroid for comment.”

Read the full article on The Telegraph website.