Procurement data is notoriously hard to navigate, making it hard to get the full picture and ensure you're not missing opportunities.
With Shortcuts, you can easily traverse the procurement landscape, connect up the data, and uncover new opportunities.
Take a Shortcut to ...
"Show me the invoices related to this contract."
See the spend a supplier received after winning a contract.

"Show me the contracts that are earning my competitors this income."
See which contracts your competitors won to be earning them public sector revenue.

"Show me who won this tender and how much for."
See the result of a closed contract notice, including who won it and the award value.

"Show me all of the contracts bought through local government frameworks."
With Shortcuts, you can finally see, compare and analyse all the contracts won via a type of buyer's frameworks in one view.

We know how tiresome navigating public procurement can be.
Take a Shortcut!
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