The Procurement Act: what new notices will you need to publish?

The Procurement Act: what new notices will you need to publish?

Posted by James Piggott Picture of James Piggott on Jul 5, 2023 3:03:37 PM

The Procurement Act is set to bring some major changes to how your contracting authority conducts procurement.

In a bid to bolster transparency and accountability in public procurement, the Act requires you to publish a number of new notice types throughout your procurement processes.

These range from Planned Procurement Notices and Transparency Notices pre-contract, to Contract Change Notices and Contract Termination Notices towards a contract's conclusions.

To help your team prepare, we've produced a flowchart showing you all the new notices being introduced through the Act, and where they fit into the procurement lifecycle.

Note: this Flowchart was produced in July 2023, before the Procurement Act was enacted into law. Some details may have changed.

Download our New Notices Flowchart PDF, here

New Notices Download PDF (1)



As we inch towards the Procurement Act's 'go-live' date in February 2025, we'll be publishing more analysis into how the Act will impact your procurement team. Sign-up for our biweekly public sector newsletter to get all of our analysis sent straight to you!

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This article is part of a series of articles on the 2023 Procurement Act. 

Head to Tussell's Procurement Act Hub for all the information and resources you need to get Procurement Act ready.