Healthtech frameworks: which do I need to be on to win more business?

Healthtech frameworks: which do I need to be on to win more business?

Posted by James Piggott Picture of James Piggott on 30 November 2021

The public sector healthtech market has never been so lucrative: the value of healthtech contract awards reached unprecedented levels in 2021, totalling £873 million!

A sizeable proportion of these contract awards were call-offs from framework agreements.

This blog summarises some of the key findings of our recent Healthtech Frameworks presentation with techUK, covering which frameworks have proved most profitable for healthtech contracts, which authorities utilise them the most, what kind of healthtech contracts were awarded, and when healthtech call-offs are due to roll off. Click here to download the full report!

With this intelligence - generated using our own market intelligence platform - you can prioritise which frameworks you need to get onto to win more awards. 



🏥 Our key findings:


What is the value of healthtech contract awards?

  • The value of healthtech contract awards reached unprecedented levels in 2020 and 2021: £869 million and £873 million respectively.

    • Of the £3.4 billion in healthtech contracts awarded since 2015, £1.2 billion - 35% - were call-offs.

    • The majority of healthtech call-offs were for hardware, software and infrastructure services, with £516 million worth of such contracts awarded by the NHS and central government since 2015.

Which frameworks are the most lucrative for healthtech contracts?‎

  • 9 frameworks account for over 50% of all healthtech call-offs, by volume, since 2015

    • Digital Outcomes & Specialists (DOS) awarded the most healthtech contracts by value, at £293 million.

    • G-Cloud 11 awarded the most healthtech contracts by volume, at 149.‎


Access Tussell's 2025 Public Sector Frameworks Report‎


Which authorities utilise frameworks to award healthtech contracts?

  • The Department of Health & Social Care has called-off the most healthtech contracts, at 179 call-offs across 21 frameworks and 76 suppliers, totalling £390 million.

    • This was followed by NHS Digital, at 130 call-offs across 17 frameworks and 62 suppliers, totalling £423 million.

    • Combined, NHS Digital and DHSC account for 2/3rds of healthtech call-off value.

What is the value of upcoming framework and call-off roll offs?

  • Over £12 billion of major recurring frameworks roll off over the next four years, the largest being Technology Products & Associated Services (£6.5 billion)

    • Over £300 million in healthtech call-offs will roll off in the next four years.



The data's clear: if you want to win more healthtech contracts, you need to be on the right frameworks.

To dig deeper, download our full presentation on healthtech frameworks and call-offs.

You can also download our broader analysis of the UK public sector healthtech market, covering Q1 2016 - Q3 2020.

All the data in this presentation was drawn from our market intelligence platform. To see how Tussell can help you analyse and anticipate healthtech opportunities in the public sector, book a personalised demo with our sales team.

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